Sunday, March 26, 2006

Monster mash

Over the past few days of playing World of Warcraft we have begun to experiment and develop theories on a killing a variety of monsters. Here are two basic grinding principals we live by:

  • Whenever you are in a situation with multiple beasts or humanoids start by picking them off one by one and always know their attack range and aggressiveness.
  • Never go charging straight into a camp with multiple enemies in close range. This can lead to a seriously overwhelming and unnerving situation as it invites all enemies close by to gang up and attack.
We've experimented, prodded, and observed all the animals we've come across with and here is a quick profile on some more common creatures in the Orc land of Durotar:

Scorpions: Very aggressive animals, they will attack you at any cost. Never pass by a Scorpion without killing it because it will end up attacking you anyway. Their range is somewhat far; if you are anywhere near a scorpion facing you it's very likely it will attack. A few words of wisdom - never turn your back on a Scorpion.

Boars: Passive beasts. No matter how close you are to a Boar they will not attack you unless you pick a fight, so don't worry about a Boar attacking you from behind.

Crustaceans: Most sea creatures act in the same manner. They are not as aggressive as Scorpions but they will initiate attack if you are within close range. Swimming directly over or close to them causes them to attack. Remember to always have your head under water when swimming or you'll definitely make an easy target for sea creatures.

Tigers: Aggressive when you are close to them. Just keep a safe distance between you and the Tiger if you want to avoid a fight.

Raptors: Almost as aggressive as Scorpions; you'll never walk by a raptor and come out untouched. This aggressive behavior is sometimes a big annoyance.

By the way, we did make it over to the Orc capital Orgrimmar. What an experience! We'll fill in the details in the next post...

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